Monday, January 4, 2010

The Chariot Ride (part 1)

I look dazzling. Bright. Amazing. Gem has done what I couldn't do myself: Make me look, and feel happy. All I can think about is Jonah, and how much he'll love it, Bluebelle, watching me up on screen, and me, just waiting for sponsors to knock down Johannas, our mentors, door. I can't believe how vain I seem, thinking these thoughts to myself, but it gives me a new sense of hope. That I might have a chance coming out of these games alive. "Do you like it?" Gem waits, dying for my response. "Its, just..." The words aren't coming to me. "Wow," is all i can get out. Gem smiles and pushes me gently out the room and into the halls of the seventh floor. I push the lobby level button, leaving traces of glitter on it. I can already see gold paint on it from another tribute. District 1, I think. Luxury items. As we head to the ground level, I can hear the roar of the crowd. They're going nuts, shouting and hooting and hollering, and we haven't even been announced yet. When the other elevator door opens, I see Jonah in a lime green button up shirt, matching the shade of my dress, looking handsome as it reflets of his hazel eyes. It's all I can do not to run up and talk to him, but I resist. He looks nervous, and he looks like he doesn't want to talk to anyone. His eyes meet mine for a second then flash away. I look down, and then at Gem, whose directing me and Jonah to our chariot. The other six districts, some who joined together in the rebellion, are already in line. Our chariot has a cream colored horse, and a large green, diamond studded 7 on the front of the wheels. It's outstanding how much money the Capitol people spend on the games. We step up carefully, ready to out on our most winning smile. Jonah seems to have calmed down a bit so I start to talk to him just as District 1's chariot is pulling outm but then I see Gem, whose signalling something. Her hands are in the shape of a heart and it hits me. More star-crossed lovers. The Capitol has been going nuts with the fact that Katniss and Peeta, the star-crossed lovers of District 12, are no where to be found, and they've been wanting more. I think of what their romance led to: A rebellion, a marrige proposal, a pregnancy, and more. At first it excites me, but then I rule it out. As much as I love Jonah, I can't do it. I can't drag him in to this, I can't do that to myself. Jonah and I have a mission. To find the Games loophole, not to fall head over heels in love for the Capitol. So, as hard as it is, I shake my head in Gem's direction. And that quick, we are being pulled out into the faces of the Capitol.

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