Thursday, December 31, 2009


My eyes are stinging and my legs, screaming. My body has completely been removed of all hair, except for my head. I think. They gave me some fancy Capitol anesthesia that put me under and I have awoke, crying inside with pain. Quickly, I flash my left hand to my head to find that although it has been cut up to my shoulder, I still have my soft brown hair. My stylist blurs into my vision and I see a young woman, with purple hair and gold tatoos running up and down her arms. She's smiling, with her unnaturally white teeth, and she looks kind of scary, but she can't be more than twenty. "Hi, Talia, I'm Gem, your stylist! I am excited to make that dreary District 7 a place to remember!" Dreary? Well, we don't make anything the Capitol can glue to their bodies, but still, we aren't as bad as District 12 was. I'm not so sure about Gem. She's looking for a response but I just smile and nod. Her smile fades a little as she stands me up fit me for my costume. "You're quite skinny, darling. We'll have to fix that!" Her Capitol accent is so prominant it's insane. She presses a button on the side of the couch and just like that, a huge tray appears with a thick stew with carrots and some meat that can only be some type of waterfowl, a bowl of fresh blue melon, and four different types of rolls. I gorge myself as Gem asks me some questions. "So, Talia, tell me something about yourself, so I can get a clear view of what to do for your chariot costume. Because, honestly, I don't have anything." She looks at me, waiting for a response, and I think. What I can I say that wont make me look like a fool in front of all of Panem? This is very important, if I want sponsors to like me. All I can think of is my motivation to win these games, which can make me seem weak, but it's the best I've got. " I live alone, with my sister Bluebelle, who lights my face up when I see her. She's everything I care about, and love her." I say as I look down at the blue melon, not daring to meet my stylist's eyes. "Well, then, Talia, I think I can get something from that." She has a sinister expression on her face and I don't know if I said the right thing. She walks out of the room slowly, and my prep team come in to do my hair and make-up. When I'm all done, it's incredible how amazing I look. My newly short, thick hair looks fabulous pulled back in a bun, and my body looks flawless. Just when I thought I couldn't look any better, Gem is walking in and immediatly pulls my dress over my shoulders. I'm expecting a tree, like they do with District 7 every year, but no. It's an incredible strapless, soft green gown with sparkles and a blue flower designs running up and down the front and sides. A bluebell bush. And suddenly, all my hatred of my stylist flushes out.

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