Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Capitol Ride

I awake early in the morning, not wanting to miss a thing. Effie Trinkit, who seems more bright and bubbly than ever, after being slightly upgraded to a better district than 12, is knocking on my train car door, informing me of a "big big big day!" I quickly dress in a simple blue shirt and jeans, and brush out my long brown hair. I open the door to the door to the dining car, so see a tired Jonah, staring out into the seas of District 4 outside. He looks sad, not his bright, full of life face I see daily in school when I pass him in the halls. He's a year older, but he seems so much younger, with his begging, helpless face. I sit next to him and he manages to work up a smile."Hey." I just blush, trying not to get lost in his eyes. "Aren't you, um, excited to see the Capitol?" He says, being polite. I respond while looking out the window. "Oh, yes." But I'm not. I don't think I'll ever be excited ever again. "Me too." After that, we just continue our small talk as we stuff ourselves with Capitol food. We talk of school, District 7, the uprisings, neither of us wanting to talk about the Games. When we hear the train horn, we realize we've reached our destination, the Capitol. I look outside to see the shining Capitol everyone talks about. Its bright, with insane people walking around. I see neon green flesh. Hot pink spiked hair. Jewels are substitutes for fingernails. It's incredibly insane. But, it all goes by in a flash when Jonah and I are dragged into the Remake Center, preparing for the insanity that the people of the Capitol do to their bodies.

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