Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Reaping

It is a sad, cool day in District 7. I sit alone with my tea in my little house in the Seam. Today is the day of the Reaping, where they choose 1 boy and 1 girl to compete in the annual Hunger Games, a fight to the death on live TV. It's scary, after the Quarter Quell (the 75th Hunger Games) last year, the tributes still unknown of their presense, or even if they are alive. And the previous year, where not 1 but 2 tributes, Peeta Mellark and Katniss Everdeen, came out alive, and victorious. But unfortunatly, their rebellion against the Capitol has caused mayhem in Panem. So only 7 districts remain, they only ones that had the will to rebuild after the bombing. So 14, instead of 24 tributes will compete. I live with my little sister, Bluebelle, forced to take care of her after my parents have gone; gone far away to the now powerful District 13, where Bluebelle and I were left behind. I hear the anthem and get Bluebelle from her room. "Ready to go?" She's quiet, not even looking at me, gazing out the window at the stage where Effie Trinkit stands. "Talia, what if I get picked?" I stare at her, worried myself, but never letting it show. "You wont. You only have 1 entry, you're only 12." Its true, she really has no risk. But I do. At the age of 15, I have 4 automatic entries plus 14 tesserae. Thats 18. I grab her trembeling hand, and take her downstairs and outside into the Reaping. I release her into the 12 year old line, and I take my place with the other 15 year olds. Effie Trinkit is sporting a lime green wig and a ghost white smile. "Come on, take your places! Happy Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favor!" I stand, cold and scared for Effie's next words. More scared for Bluebelle than myself, I look at her, not Effie as she pulls a name from the glass ball. "Talia Endonia." I stand in shock, only hearing the cry of Bluebelle. "Come on, don't be shy!" I walk to the stage, looking for people to take my place, but no one does. "Wonderful! Alright gentelmen, here we go!" She tosses her hand around a few times. "Jonah Green." Jonah. Jonah was a boy who everyone loved, honored, and as for the girls, loved. He stood up and stood next no me, and we avoided each others gaze. We were then led to the Justice Building to say goodbye to our family and friends.

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