Sunday, December 20, 2009

Jonah Green

I clutched onto Bluebelle and held back my tears. I couldn't stand it. I had to leave behind her, my friends, everything I ever loved. "Fight. Fight hard. I love you." She was crying as the Peacekeepers took her away. The last memory of her. Next it is Ileana, my best friend that says goodbye. I've known her since we were 8 years old. I met her when she was trading at the black market, swaping her brothers tesserae for some wool. She had her eye on my squirrel I shot and begged me for it. It was an albino, probably worth 10 times as much wool as she had in her hand. I gave it too her, with her hollow cheeks and ragged shirt. She was pitiful looking, and she looked alone. "Talia. Oh, Talia." She clutched on to my jacket never wanting to let go. "You're strong, known that since the day I met you." She wiped her tears away from her eyes. "Please try, please, Talia!" She continued to scream please as she was dragged out the door. Others from around town came in went in what seemed like a minute. Then, it was time to leave. Probably leaving forever. The train moved slow and seemed to drag on forever. Jonah was sitting on the side of the train car, looking out over the district as we left it behind. He was taking this hard, not communicating with anyone. I decided I should go out there, just to see him. I never liked him, not really. All the girls were completely head over heels. Ugh. Romance. "Hey." He stayed silent. "What arena do you think we'll be in?" Nothing. Finally he catched me by surprise. "We can do it, you know." "What?" I'm lost in his eyes. "Win. You and I." I don't understand. I mean, it has happened before, but I doubt after the uprisings anyone would let that happen again. "Jonah, I.." I start. He catches me. "The Capitol may think they have control. But there's always a loophole. I think you and I, Talia, just might find it." He knows my name? Since when? He isn't making any sense. I'm zoning off when the call from the attendant catches my attention, and Jonah puts his hand on my shoulder, and guides me in. Thats when I realize, I've liked Jonah all along.

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