Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Girl From District 4

My feet hit the ground just as their lips meet. When they finally stop, he's hugging her and spinning her around, and saying how happy he is to see her again. "Fiona, oh, Fiona!" It's too much for me to handle. The lie, Bluebelle, Jonah, myself being braodcast as a crazy girl in front of the entire nation. It's taking it's toll on me and I begin to cry. Not just for Jonah, but for everything. I've been holding everything inside and I can't bear it any longer. I don't dare make a noise, I would seem too weak. But I do tear up. I can make out through my vision, now blurred with tears, that he has his hands on her shoulders and he's brighter than I've ever seen him. When the tears subside, I can see how beautiful she is. She has long, satin black hair, with an olive complexion. She has blue eyes that stick out from afar, like the seas we saw when we passed her district. She isn't stick thin, as I am, but she rather looks curvy and healthy. She is the mirror image of a resident of District 4. Her blue dress relflects her eyes and it looks beautiful. "Jonah! Oh, I love you. I missed you!" They kiss one more time, and he quietly says something to her that I can't make out. She nods and she reluctantly turns and away to meet her District 4 fellow tribute, a very tall, dark-skinned boy. Jonah comes to me smiling, and as upset as I am, I can't help but give a small smile back. I am just about to ask the nagging question when he sees my expression. "I know, I saw you. You watched me and Fiona." He waits a minute. "She was born in District 4, and she was abandoned. When she got to be a certain age, they moved her to our district, working in the lumber factories. You know my dad runs them and all." I nod as we walk toward the Training Center. "I saw her everyday. We talked, laughed, and I'd help her finish her work so we could go run off to fish in the lake." He's smiling, and looking down, and I can tell he's getting caught up in his story. His smile fades. "But it was only temporary. When she was 12, they took her back to District 4 because by law she has to participate in the District 4 reaping. She was adopted into a local family and was chosen this year." He looks up at me to see my face, but I'm looking down. That's why he never talked to any of the girls at school! He could have any one of them, but instead, he focused on sports and didn't pay attention to them. All along, those girls were just wasting their time because his heart was set on this one girl. I realize as I hit the 7 elevator button, I was one of those girls. And I still am.

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