Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Chariot Ride (part 2)

The crowd is roaring, just going wild, and I feel like my cheeks are going to explode. I'm smiling so wide, and my arm is violently moving from side to side. Be memorable, Talia. Sponsors, I think. So, without thinking, I scream, "I know where Katniss and Peeta are!" The shock on the Capitol's faces is immediate. There in a full scale outrage, going crazy and President Snow can't control them. No one knows, not even President Snow. Of course, I don't know, so I stay silent. The anthem has cut off, and everything has gone silent. Sponsors will now know that I am brave enough to defy the Capitol, and I now know that if I have done this, then surely Jonah and I will get out if the arena alive. We found the loophole. I know where they are, so they think, so they can't get rid of me. But Jonah.... "And Jonah know where the others are. We both know. We all know. All of us tributes. We were told." Every eye in all of Panem was now on me, and only me. I think of Bluebelle, and I wish I could tell her whats going on. The anthem comes out of no where and we're rushed into the bottom floor of the Training Center where cameras, interviewers, and flashing lights blind me in every directions. It's one flash of light that brings me to my senses and I realize, I just saved 14 lives.

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